
Memories of Cicero chapter 4

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Cicero opened her eyes groggily.

“Uhhhg” she grumbled at the intruding light, shifting round a bit

“Ah! It looks like our friend here has finally awoken!” Her eyes snapped open fully at hearing an unknown voice, scanning the area she could see a man with a fabulous hat, a scowling teenager, a short teenage girl and a pineapple hair dude teenager. No Grimmjow.

Cicero then caused a riot, all by herself. First by trying to leg it to find her lost companion, then by attacking them as they went to hold her down and finally by taking them all down. It went a bit like this.

Cicero launched her petite form up and went for the door, then the scowling one and pineapple tried to hold her back kicking one in the throat and punching the other in the gut backed them up a bit, but then the girl joined in too, beating them all back she screamed repeatedly “Where is he!?” like they might of hurt him.

The one with the hat called for something called a tessi but was actually a huge thing of a man but she just beat him back as well, two kids joined in as well a sad looking girl and red headed boy. Once all of them were beaten back she made a run for it again but the hat guy caught her off guard, pushing his foot down on her throat.

“Calm down” he said in serious tone, like a parent scolding a child. Her eyes gained a weird gleam and her nails grew longer so she lacerated his trousers and legs, blood splattered the floor.

This is how Grimmjow found her after hearing the shouts of distress he had sprinted out of the room he had been asked to stay in. What he saw he didn’t expect. The giant man groaning and picking himself off the floor, the two children cowering in a corner, the shinigami picking themselves up and the shopkeeper standing on his friends’ throat.

“Espada please do not interfere in this matter” the shopkeeper spoke

“Like hell! I came to you people for help!” he growled making the shopkeeper back off of Cicero. Holding onto her throat she jumped up and hugged Grimmjow.

“You’re ok!” she exclaimed, muffled by her face buried in his chest. Grimmjow returned the hug with a glare of challenge towards the other occupants of the room.

“Yeah, I’m alright but what the fuck happened here?” still keeping his eyes on the others.

“Well I was waking up and I heard someone talk who wasn’t you so that made me panic, then you weren’t there but they were and I thought they’d hurt you” she paused “or at least tried too” Grimmjow smirked at that.

“They had weapons, I did not, I panicked, you weren’t there, I beat them up, hat guy pinned me on the floor and told me to stop in a very patronizing manner if I might add, then I lacerated his leg, how I don’t know and then you barged in and saved my hide” Cicero rambled

“Yeah well, sorry for being late, I was told to sit put somewhere else but I heard this ruckus and decided to show up” They grinned at each other.

“Well now that you heard the story of our little friends attempt of escape, why don’t you explain” meaning tell us or else but politely the shopkeeper chirped

“Tessi would you make us some tea please?” the giant guy now identified as Tessi jumped into action

“Yes sir” bowed and then left.

They moved to another room and sat down around a table.

“So where are we?” Cicero spoke up

“Ah! My little sweet shop! Would you like some we have a discount” the weird hat guy chirped

“No thanks, I don’t like sweets” she replied mater of factually.

“What! How could you not like sweets!” he almost shouted, waving his arms around in a mad fashion. Cicero shrugged. Suddenly pulling out a fan from god knows where and hiding his grin.

“So what your story?”

Cicero growled “You didn’t answer my question”

Karakura town, Japan”

She looked at Grimmjow with a what-the-fuck face before casually looking back at the rest of the people on the table

“So” she began calmly “HOW THE FUCK AM I IN JAPAN!” the sudden outburst caught everyone of guard except Grimmjow who just chuckled at their expressions of his close friends fickle behaviour.

Grimmjow then caught Ichigo staring at him with an intent look that he couldn’t interpret, making him fidget a little and brought up a slight blush. Cicero noticed and smirked making him scowl over both their actions.

“I uh- brought you here when you passed out, don’t you remember what happened?” Grimmjow muttered sheepishly. Cicero’s face began to have a slight crest fallen look before shrugging and returning to her usual stoic demur.  Grimmjow puffed up his chest at how only he himself had seen Cicero open up to him and show her emotions.

“That doesn’t explain how the hell I ended up in Japan in a space of a few hours” she bluntly put.

“After hearing Grimmjows call of his damsel in distress I used the sekimon that I adapted to collect you both” the shopkeeper interrupted, Cicero bristled at being called a damsel in distress and began to plot her revenge. Grimmjow new exactly what she was doing and laughed openly.

Tessi then entered bringing in the tea and everyone sat in silence as tea was poured, not that most of them cared anyway.

“Ah yes! I don’t think we’ve been introduced my name is-“the shopkeeper began before Cicero interrupted

“Your name is Urahara” she stated stoically, only the most observant would have seen her smirk at their surprised and slightly wary looks.

“How did you guess?” Urahara chuckled hiding his actually grumpy look behind his random fan. Cicero pointed into the shop

“It says Urahara’s shouten on the door” Grimmjow rolled his eyes observant as ever he thought, secretly proud about his little pack member.

“But how did you know I was he?” eyes hidden in the shadow of his hat

“One” she said holding up one of her fingers “It has a picture of your hat on” she held up a second finger “You seem to be in charge so it must be your residence” she then held up a third finger “And three, if I was purely guessing you just told me” Cicero really did smirk this time openly and Grimmjow had to stifle his laughter.

“That does not explain what you were doing with an Arrancar, an Espada none the less” Rukia spoke up appearing stoic

“Ah, so the little soldier doesn’t like me?” Cicero gave a fake pout before feeling something. Fear, the inner part of her poked at it. A man, with silver hair… and a rather peculiar smirk. Cicero decided to test her luck and mimicked the smile so quickly only she saw it and she stiffened.

Cicero began a maniac laughter inside herself at her reaction; these people were fun to mess with…

“In short I was running away, got caught in an alleyway by some drunks, beat them up, Grimmjow here pops up, we become travelling partners and off we went” Cicero sighed, not bothering about the details but knowing these people would want them, but god help them if they so much as tried to hurt either of them…

“Why did you travel with a dangerous Arrancar?” the little soldier continued

“I don’t think that race matters that much and anyone can be dangerous” Cicero pointed out, in a relaxed position only she Urahara, Grimmjow and the red headed one that made Grimmjow blush, sat in.

“Wait, I didn’t tell you what I was though” Grimmjow looked obviously confused as well as trying to ignore the intense gaze of the red head. Cicero shrugged before saying

“You didn’t feel human”

“I believe we have company” Urahara’s aura and tone became serious before he stood up and led the way outside

Yay! Another chapter uploaded!

Bleach belongs to Tite Kubo

My OC (Cicero) belongs to me

© 2013 - 2024 Tischen
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